Monday, June 23, 2008

The Fripp Life

We had a blast on our first annual Fripp Island vacation!!  What a wonderful week we had.  Of course, it wouldn't be a Todd vacation without some health drama!!  Henster got the "googly" eye and passed it on to Ava.  Sam got a little head cold and passed that onto Ava.  Yikes!!  Don't know if the Majures will be accompanying us next year!!  Hope they had enough fun to overlook it!!!  We have some gorgeous pics of the cousins on the beach, but they are on Andrew's fancy cam so it might take a couple of days for me to get them from him.  Check back for more beach photos later. The best are yet to come....
Lego building was constant at the beach!  Andrew and Sam built the huge Star Destroyer.  It took many hours and lots of patience.  Way to go boys!!
Henster is the happiest when he is being fed!!
Me and my boys chillin in one of 3 pools at the Cabana Club.
Swing time!!
Henster's favorite food was apparently sand!!
Andrew and Henster, Chris and Ava
Deer Feeding time!  The deer were everywhere on the island.  I don't know who enjoyed it more, Henster or Sambone!  At one point, Sam decided the deer needed a hug!!  Of course, I panicked and began searching for wayward ticks immediately!!
Chillin wit my hommies.
The cousins enjoying a lazy morning with some playtime!  I am still amazed at how well they hung together.  Nothing but love here!
Playtime with Auntie Na-Na.  The only other person that Henster will go to willingly and cheerfully!!
Avadoll and Henster having some beach time.  Check out Henster getting all sweet and lovey!  Ava isn't so sure!! 
Crawlin on the beach.
Golf cart rides are the best!
Awww!  What a cutie pie.  Henster's kinda cute too!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Easter Fun

To truly capture the fun we had on Easter, you need to check out  Anna always takes the best pictures and you can see that on her blog.  Anywho, I will leave Easter up to her because I have very few decent shots.
Andrew and his mini me.
Hang on Henster we're going on a ride! Henry's first time on the hammock.
O.K. we are about to go into high gear so watch out!
I think the Henster is hooked on the hammock!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Andrew and Sam took off one morning to the workshop with a project in mind.  They decided to build a dinosaur together.  Yes, together.  I got out there in time to see Sam in action.
At least there was some instruction!  I noticed how Sam's cool new sunglasses were conveniently standing in for safety goggles.  DHEC approved, I'm sure!
Alone with his thoughts and power tool!!  Notice the Todd tongue?  All Todd boys concentrate with their tongues out!
Subtle, but notice the concentration?!!  Like father, like son.
The headless dino!  I had to leave and tend to the Henster before all was complete.  That actually turned out for the better, as the finished dino had the sharp ends of about 10 nails for teeth.  Great, not so DHEC friendly on that one!
What a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon!  That is the stuff memories are made of.  Sam now sleeps with the sharp-toothed wonder he named--Dinosaur.  How creative.


Sam celebrated his 5th Birthday at Leapin' Lizards.  He talked about it for a month before hand.  I had to make a "darken" calendar to count down to party day.  Sam's big moments are determined by how many "darkens" there are until the event!  Needless to say, it takes a lot to stay excited over 32 darkens!!  And of course, it turned out to be everything he had hoped for and more.
The birthday boy about to enjoy some pizza.  He's not excited or anything!
The party crew.  These are Sam's classmates from Kilbourne Park Preschool.
Sam and Keith enjoy the jumpin' castles.
Makin music with my friends (if that is what you want to call it!) It was so loud, you can see Walker (behind Sam) covering his ears!
David and Keith hamming it up!  I'm pretty sure they are having a good time!
I wish I had more pictures from his party, but the pics turned out really dark on my camera and Andrew's files are too big to put on the blog.  Once again, I have to get the hang of the mac and I need a lesson on how to get Andrew's pic files smaller.  I am missing some very cute pics of Ava in her beautiful party dress and where was Big HEN???  Hopefully I will figure this out so be looking for them.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Following in his father's footsteps, Sam is playing Tball at North Trenholm this Spring.  This is his first experience with "organized" sports and so far he loves it!
What a cute ball player!
Sam is the first to break ranks in this picture!  What I love most about the Tar Heels is that EVERY child runs to the ball!  No matter what the outfield position, they all abandon ship to chase it.  Of course, once caught-the ball usually stays with the lucky catcher! Whadaya mean I got to throw it to first??!!
Bringin it home.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Henster!!

I am starting to get the hang of updating the blog and I feel I need to show off my Henster a little!  
This picture is a tribute to my sister, Amanda.   "Fingersuck" was an integral part of her early years and if you include the speech therapy, a good part of her early adolescent years as well! We love you Aunt Mandork!
  Also note that froggie is never too far from Henry's side!
A close up of Big Hen. It kind of makes him look like a tadpole!
My beautiful angel enjoying the sunshine.
How precious is he!!
Don't you just want to pinch his cute cheeks!

My Boys

These are just random pictures of my boys hangin' out.  
Brotherly Love!
The Henster relaxing on big brother's recliner.  We have decided to keep the chair in honor of Frasier's Dad!  It is about as bad off.  In fact, we are going to have to duct tape the seat soon!
Chillin' with Daddy
Nighttime stories are a big hit.  I'm not sure who enjoys it more, the boys or me!  I get a chance to breathe and relax!

Lost Time and Mountain Retreat

Here we go!!  I feel like I need to make up for lost time, so these go back a little ways, to include time before Christmas.  Before Big Hen went all wrong!!  Just kidding.  He just decided he wanted a little more of mommy's attention.  Like he wasn't getting enough! So we will start with our annual trip to the Huiet's Hendersonville Mountain home.  Nothing like a quick trip to the mountains to lift your spirits! God Bless the Huiet's for their kindness!
Sam giving Henry some love at the Hendersonville Christmas Parade.
Lovin' Nature
Sam at Jump Off Rock
What a cutie!
Andrew promised NO death marches, so I strapped Big Hen to the front of me and off we went!  
What more could you want?  Happy baby, Happy momma and gorgeous view!
Two of the most beautiful mountain men I've ever seen!
All that fresh air tuckered Big Hen out!  At least we remembered to bring his best friend froggie!