Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Henster!!

I am starting to get the hang of updating the blog and I feel I need to show off my Henster a little!  
This picture is a tribute to my sister, Amanda.   "Fingersuck" was an integral part of her early years and if you include the speech therapy, a good part of her early adolescent years as well! We love you Aunt Mandork!
  Also note that froggie is never too far from Henry's side!
A close up of Big Hen. It kind of makes him look like a tadpole!
My beautiful angel enjoying the sunshine.
How precious is he!!
Don't you just want to pinch his cute cheeks!

My Boys

These are just random pictures of my boys hangin' out.  
Brotherly Love!
The Henster relaxing on big brother's recliner.  We have decided to keep the chair in honor of Frasier's Dad!  It is about as bad off.  In fact, we are going to have to duct tape the seat soon!
Chillin' with Daddy
Nighttime stories are a big hit.  I'm not sure who enjoys it more, the boys or me!  I get a chance to breathe and relax!

Lost Time and Mountain Retreat

Here we go!!  I feel like I need to make up for lost time, so these go back a little ways, to include time before Christmas.  Before Big Hen went all wrong!!  Just kidding.  He just decided he wanted a little more of mommy's attention.  Like he wasn't getting enough! So we will start with our annual trip to the Huiet's Hendersonville Mountain home.  Nothing like a quick trip to the mountains to lift your spirits! God Bless the Huiet's for their kindness!
Sam giving Henry some love at the Hendersonville Christmas Parade.
Lovin' Nature
Sam at Jump Off Rock
What a cutie!
Andrew promised NO death marches, so I strapped Big Hen to the front of me and off we went!  
What more could you want?  Happy baby, Happy momma and gorgeous view!
Two of the most beautiful mountain men I've ever seen!
All that fresh air tuckered Big Hen out!  At least we remembered to bring his best friend froggie!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Zoo Trip!

Off we go to the Zoo!
Classic Sam picture!
Sam feeding the Lorikeets.  Of course, Sam loved it and wants one for home.  Now we have to pretend that we are searching high and low for a Lorikeet for sale!
What better than an elephant ride with no stinkies!  Oh, wait-Ava is on the front, no telling what's in her diaper!!!
Classic Andrew picture! Just Kidding.

Testing, Testing 1234 Testing!!!

Henry getting some shut-eye. I only knew it was Henry from the background in the picture! Like I said, I'm new at this and I have to find pictures in Andrew's mess!

The Todd Tribune Debut

After much debate, I have decided to take on the challenge of a blog. My poor family has to continually check Majure Moments hoping to catch a glimpse of my boys.  How sad. So, I have conned my sis-in-law to show me the ropes and hopefully I can master the art of posting pictures. I can't say the descriptions will measure up to hers (!!) but I will try my best.  Be patient, I have a mac and she has never used one before, it might take a little time to work the kinks out.  Yall have waited this long, a little longer hopefully won't kill ya!